Health and Social Care Committee

Inquiry into the contribution of community pharmacy to health services in Wales


CP 27 – Powys National Service Framework (NSF) for Older People Monitoring Group



23rd September 2011



Committee Clerk

Health and Social Care Committee

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay

CF99 1NA


Re:  Inquiry into the contribution of community pharmacy to health services in Wales


I write on behalf of Powys National Service Framework (NSF) for Older People Monitoring Group who would like to thank you for this opportunity to contribute to above mentioned inquiry.


Our response captures discussions that have taken place with older people and voluntary organisations in Powys during various engagement events. 


Local residents and volunteer groups have advised us that they feel the Community Pharmacy service is a highly valued service especially in small and remote rural communities.


Enhanced service developments are welcome as Community Pharmacies are accessed at a very local level but it is recognised that there is a need to ensure sustainability in the quality of the core service.  A number of specific issues that have been raised are listed below:


·         Business continuity issues  (availability of Pharmacists during prolonged adverse weather)

·         People have reported that the variable sources of generic drugs can be confusing.

·         Limited prescriptions only medicines in stock - people have to return to top up prescription  

·         Limited  non prescription stock  - limits ability to self care

·         It is felt that there is a need to develop a code of practice for volunteers and for young carers collecting prescriptions    


The Powys NSF for Older People Monitoring group is a multi-agency group which has been established to monitor the implementation of the NSF for Older People. It should be noted that the response is not necessarily the views of Powys teaching Health Board.


I hope you find the attached comments helpful.


Many thanks


DL Bale


Donna Bale

Planning Manager

On behalf of Powys NSF for Older People Monitoring Group

Tel:  01874 712691
